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Bring your payroll and get up to €250
Information required by M.O. ECC/2316/2015: Account
CaixaBank is part of the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions provided for in Royal Decree 16/2011 of 14th October 2011. The maximum amount guaranteed is €100,000 per depositor with each bank.
This number indicates the risk of the product, where 1/6 is the lowest risk and 6/6 the highest risk.
Start saving
and do it your way
Choose the way to save that's right for you.
Save easily
with CaixaFuturo
Keep your savings safe.
Savings insurance
with a 0,5 % guaranteed technical interest 1 rate in the first year. 2
Your money available to you
Take your savings out at any time at no cost. 3
Your way
Make monthly contributions from €50. 4
Without leaving the app
100% online, hassle-free.
Start your Money Box
and begin saving.
Set a savings target and achieve it at your own pace.
Your way
Regular and/or one-off contributions from €20 5
Whenever you want
Take your savings out at any time. 6
Zero Cost 7
Just enter the app and create your Money Box.
Total security
The money saved with the Money Boxes is always safe.

Don't be left wondering
You have to go to "Apply" > "Savings" > "MyMoney" and select the product you want.
One of the advantages shared by all imagin savings products is that you can increase, reduce, interrupt or withdraw all or part of your contributions at any time.
Yes, for everything you want. Plus, with CaixaFuturo and Money Boxes, you can open more than one.
We are what we do
We have been a Certified B Corporation™ since 2020. Discover more here.
IRN: 6201-2023/17317
imagin, trade name of imaginersGen, S.A., an agent of CaixaBank, imaginBank, trademark of CaixaBank
Information subject to the special and general terms and conditions of each policy, as well as subscription terms and conditions. CaixaFuturo is savings insurance from the insurance entity VidaCaixa, S.A.U. de Seguros y Reaseguros, with Tax ID A-58333261. CaixaBank, S.A., exclusive banking and insurance operator for VidaCaixa, S.A.U. de Seguros y Reaseguros and authorized by SegurCaixa Adeslas, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, with tax ID A-08663619 and registered offices at Calle Pintor Sorolla, 2-4, 46002, Valencia. Listed in the Spanish Directorate-General of Insurance and Pension Funds Registry of Insurance and Reinsurance Distributors under code OE0003. It has the corresponding professional civil liability insurance in place to cover any liabilities that may arise due to professional negligence, as required by law. See the company website for more information.
1. The total guaranteed technical interest is 0.5% in the first year; after this period, the interest rate can be renewed according to the conditions that are determined at that time. The guaranteed minimum interest will always be 0.05% until maturity. The new conditions and the renewal interest rate will be established thereafter.
2. The first period of the insurance will have a time horizon of a maximum of ten years. Once the maturity date has expired, the insurance can be extended for periods of 12 months, according to the terms and conditions of renewal. Specifically, the extension will be automatic if the interest rate of €STR is 2.05% or higher. The €STR interest rate is the euro short-term interest rate administered by the European Central Bank and is designed to reflect the cost to banks of borrowing funds on a very short-term (overnight) basis from different counterparties without providing collateral. Otherwise, the extension will be subject to the insurer's decision. The contract will be automatically resolved on the maturity date if the net amount on which the extension is applied is less than €50 or if the insured person has, on the maturity date of the contract or any of its extensions, reached the age of 80 or more. Refer to the terms and conditions of the contract.
3. In the event of redemption or payment upon maturity, the returns are taxed as capital gains. In the event of the insured person's death, the individual beneficiary must pay tax on inheritance and donations tax (ISD) and the amount of the capital will accrue to the rest of the inheritance value for the purposes of tax calculation. As it is a life insurance policy, it allows the beneficiary to have the possibility of applying a single reduction, depending on the degree of relationship with the policyholder. This amount is variable according to each autonomous community.
4. The minimum contribution amount is €50 per month. The maximum contribution in CaixaFuturo is €10,000 per year.
5. It lets you save a maximum of €100,000 per Money Boxes, with a minimum contribution of €20 and a maximum of €100,000.
6. "Money Boxes" is a type of demand current account with operational limitations intended for receiving deposits. You can set a savings goal or plan that you determine yourself (we provide a tool through the imagin app that lets you estimate the contribution amounts and timeline to reach your savings goal).
7. In order to sign up for "Money Boxes", you need to have an account open in imaginBank to associate it to. The transfers set up in your savings plan will be charged to the associated account. The associated imaginBank account has a management fee of €0. Transfers between the "Money Boxes" account and your other accounts made through an ATM or the imagin app have a cost of €0/month. If you carry out this operation at a branch, you may be charged €2 per operation. For further information, see
The account does not pay interest. The AER is 0%. 0% NIR. The APR is calculated for a deposit of a customer that maintains an average balance of €5,000 for one year.