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Find out some of the advantages
of mobile payment or smartwatch
Withdraw money with your mobile or smartwatch at contacless ATMs in an easy and secure way.
Check your activity at any time from the app
More secure: file claims for transactions and block your card with just one click.
Care for the environment by reducing plastic and avoiding CO2 emissions.
Choose the payment method
that’s right for you

I like
paying with my mobile
If your smartphone is like a third hand, set up mobile payments from the imagin app.
Now you’ll have an excuse to leave your wallet home!

How do I set up mobile payments on an Android device?
If it is compatible with Google Pay or Samsung Pay add your imagin cards to your mobile from the Google Wallet or Samsung Wallet app.
For all other cases follow these steps:
Check that it is compatible with NFC mobile payment.
From the imagin app go to the "My cards" section and select the card you want to link.
Click “Enable mobile payment".
Confirm the operation and you will be able to start paying with your cell phone.

How do I set up mobile payments on an Apple device?
If you have an Apple device, you can add your cards to Apple Wallet following these steps:
In the imagin app, go into the "My card" section and select the card you want to use.
Tap “Add to Apple Wallet”.
Confirm the operation and select it as the default card.

I’m team
Download your imagin cards in the FitBit, Garmin, SwatchPAY! app, Google Wallet or Samsung Wallet and pay conveniently using your watch.

I prefer
physical card
If you like physical cards *, choose the one that’s right for you. All our cards are 100% free and have no issuance or maintenance fees.
In addition, they are made of recycled plastic and CO2 neutral so you will also be being environmentally responsible.
We are what we do
We have been a Certified B Corporation™ since 2020. Discover more here.
NRI: 5824-2023/17317
* imagin, registered trademark of imaginersGen, S.A., agent of CaixaBank, S.A. CaixaBank, S.A. markets products of the hybrid payment entity CaixaBank Payments & Consumer (CPC) E.F.C, E.P., S.A.U. with tax id A-08980153 and listed in the Official Registry of Banking Entities of the Bank of Spain with code 8776, and it is an entity that offers credit and debit cards. CaixaBank, S.A. is also an agent of the issuer of pre-paid cards Global Payments MoneyToPay (M2P), EDE, S.L., domiciled at Avenida de Manoteras nº 20, Edificio París (28050 Madrid). The system selected by CPC and M2P to protect the funds of its payment services users is to deposit them in a separate account opened in CaixaBank, S.A. The issuance of a credit card is subject to approval by CPC. The cards have a €0 issuance and maintenance fee. You can check the prices routinely applied to the most frequent banking services (Annex 1) at