Fins a 150 € per domiciliar la teva nòmina? |
S'ha produït un error mentre es processava la plantilla.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> appStore.asImage.getAttribute('alt')  [in template "554383#554429#729641" at line 14, column 110]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${appStore.asImage.getAttribute("alt")}  [in template "554383#554429#729641" at line 14, column 108]
1<div class="sect-one row align-items-start"> 
2    <div class="sect__box w-100 p-0"> 
3        <div class="left-content"> 
4            <#if title?? && title.getData()?has_content> 
5            <div class="sect__h2 anim"  data-animation="fadeInDown"> 
6                ${title.getData()} 
7            </div> 
8            </#if> 
9            <div class="store-buttons d-none d-md-block "> 
10                <#if (appStore.asImage?? && appStore.asImage.getData()?has_content) || (googlePlay.gpImage?? && googlePlay.gpImage.getData()?has_content) || (Huawei.hwImage?? && Huawei.hwImage.getData()?has_content) > 
11                <div class="row"> 
12                    <#if appStore.asImage?? && appStore.asImage.getData()?has_content> 
13                        <#assign itemId = 'tealium-id' + randomizer.nextInt() > 
14                        <div class="col-4"><a id="${itemId}" href="${appStore.asLink.getData()}"><img alt="${appStore.asImage.getAttribute('alt')}" class="img-desktop anim"  data-animation="fadeIn" src="${appStore.asImage.getData()}" ></a></div> 
15                        <#if appStore.asTealium.getData()?has_content> 
16                        <script> 
17                            $("#${itemId}").on('click', function() {${appStore.asTealium.getData()}}); 
18                        </script> 
19                        </#if> 
20                    </#if> 
21                    <#if googlePlay.gpImage?? && googlePlay.gpImage.getData()?has_content> 
22                        <div class="col-4"><a id="${itemId}" href="${googlePlay.gpLink.getData()}"><img alt="${googlePlay.gpImage.getAttribute('alt')}" class="img-desktop anim"  data-animation="fadeIn" src="${googlePlay.gpImage.getData()}" ></a></div> 
23                        <#if googlePlay.gpTealium.getData()?has_content> 
24                        <script> 
25                            $("#${itemId}").on('click', function() {${googlePlay.gpTealium.getData()}}); 
26                        </script> 
27                        </#if> 
28                    </#if> 
29                    <#if Huawei.hwImage?? && Huawei.hwImage.getData()?has_content> 
30                        <#assign itemId = 'tealium-id' + randomizer.nextInt() > 
31                        <div class="col-4"><a id="${itemId}" href="${Huawei.hwLink.getData()}"><img alt="${Huawei.hwImage.getAttribute('alt')}" class="img-desktop anim"  data-animation="fadeIn" src="${Huawei.hwImage.getData()}" ></a></div> 
32                        <#if Huawei.hwTealium.getData()?has_content> 
33                        <script> 
34                            $("#${itemId}").on('click', function() {${Huawei.hwTealium.getData()}}); 
35                        </script> 
36                        </#if> 
37                    </#if> 
38                </div> 
39                </#if> 
40                <#if LargeBanner??> 
41                    <#if LargeBanner.imgLargeBanner?? && LargeBanner.imgLargeBanner.getData()?has_content> 
42                    <div class="row"> 
43                        <#assign itemId = 'tealium-id' + randomizer.nextInt() > 
44                        <div class="col-12 p-0"> 
45                            <a id="${itemId}" href="${LargeBanner.largeBannerLink.getData()}"> 
46                                <img alt="${LargeBanner.imgLargeBanner.getAttribute('alt')}" style="width:100%" src="${LargeBanner.imgLargeBanner.getData()}"> 
47                            </a> 
48                            <script>$("#${itemId}").on('click', function() {${LargeBanner.largeBannerTealium.getData()}});</script> 
49                        </div> 
50                    </div> 
51                    </#if> 
52                </#if> 
53            </div> 
54        </div> 
56        <#if sepImagen.damImagenMobile?? && sepImagen.damImagenMobile?has_content> 
57            <div class="img-3d anim" data-animation="fadeIn"> 
58                 <picture> 
59                     <source media="(min-width:768px)" srcset="${sepImagen.damImagenDesktop.getData()}"> 
60                     <source media="(max-width:768px)" srcset="${sepImagen.damImagenMobile.getData()}"> 
61                     <img alt="${sepImagen.damImagenMobile.getAttribute('alt')}" src="${sepImagen.damImagenMobile.getData()}"> 
62                </picture> 
63            </div> 
64        </#if> 
66    </div> 
67    <img alt="<@liferay.language key='alt.burbuja' />" class="burbuja" src="/o/imagin-dxp-theme/images/general/Burbujita.png"> 
68    <img alt="<@liferay.language key='alt.coin' />" class="coin anim rellax" data-rellax-mobile-speed="0" data-rellax-desktop-speed="-2" data-animation="fadeIn" src="/o/imagin-dxp-theme/images/general/Coin_2.png"> 
69    <img alt="<@liferay.language key='alt.burbuja' />" class="d-none d-md-block burbuja-2 anim rellax" data-rellax-speed="2" data-animation="fadeIn"src="/o/imagin-dxp-theme/images/general/Burbujita_2.png"> 
70    <img alt="<@liferay.language key='alt.coin' />" class="d-none d-md-block coin-2 anim rellax" data-rellax-speed="-4" data-animation="fadeIn"src="/o/imagin-dxp-theme/images/general/Coin.png"> 
71    <img alt="<@liferay.language key='' />" class="scroll-down-arrows d-none d-md-block  anim"  data-animation="fadeIn" src="/o/imagin-dxp-theme/images/general/flechas_mas_que_una_app.png" > 
S'ha produït un error mentre es processava la plantilla.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> qrCode.getAttribute("alt")  [in template "554383#554429#729559" at line 13, column 25]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${qrCode.getAttribute("alt")}  [in template "554383#554429#729559" at line 13, column 23]
1<#assign floatQrId = 'id' + randomizer.nextInt() > 
3<div id="floatqr-${floatQrId}" class="float-popup-trigger"></div> 
4<div class="sect- floatqr-${txtId.getData()}" style="background-image:url('${backgroundImage.getData()}');"> 
6    <div class="row align-self-end"> 
7        <a href="#0" class="close-${floatQrId}"><strong>X</strong></a> 
8    </div> 
9    <#if (qrCode?? && qrCode.getData()?has_content) || (txtDescription?? && txtDescription.getData()?has_content)> 
10    <div class="row h-100 align-items-end"> 
11        <#if qrCode.getData()?has_content> 
12        <div class="qrcode col-12 text-center"> 
13            <img alt="${qrCode.getAttribute("alt")}" src="${qrCode.getData()}"> 
14        </div> 
15        </#if> 
17        <#if txtDescription?? && txtDescription.getData()?has_content> 
18            <div class="col-12 text-center"> 
19            ${txtDescription.getData()} 
20            </div> 
21        </#if> 
22    </div> 
23    </#if> 
24    <#assign itemId = 'tealium-id' + randomizer.nextInt() > 
25    <#if boton.botonEnlace?? && boton.botonEnlace.getData()?has_content> 
26    <div class="row py-3"> 
27        <a id="${itemId}" href="${boton.botonEnlace.getData()}" class="boton btn-${boton.botonColor.getData()}"> 
28            ${boton.botonTexto.getData()} 
29        </a> 
30        <#if boton.botonTealium.getData()?has_content> 
31        <script>$("#${itemId}").on('click', function() {${boton.botonTealium.getData()}});</script> 
32        </#if> 
33    </div> 
34    </#if> 
39$(window).on('load', function(e) { 
40    $('.close-${floatQrId}').on('click', function(e){ 
41            var floatQr = $('.floatqr-${txtId.getData()}'); 
42            floatQr.fadeOut(); 
43            floatQr.remove(); 
44        }); 
46    if ($(window).width() > 990) { 
47        $(window).on("scroll",function () { 
48            if($("#floatqr-${floatQrId}").visible(true) && $('.floatqr-${txtId.getData()}').css("display") != 'flex'){ 
49                $('.floatqr-${txtId.getData()}').css("display", "flex").hide().fadeIn(); 
51        }); 

Més que una app financera

Fins a 150 € 2 per portar la teva nòmina 3

Compte 4 i targeta 5 sense comissions.

Préstecs imagin 6

Fàcil, digital i sense complicacions. ¡Presuporsupuesto!


Demana-la des de l’app i un especialista t’ajudarà amb el procés.

Targeta MyCard

Paga les teves compres en 2 mesos gratis, TAE 0% 7
Fins al 31/10/2023

Baixar l’app

S'ha produït un error mentre es processava la plantilla.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> bip.bipImagen.getAttribute("alt")  [in template "554383#554429#729698" at line 24, column 78]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${bip.bipImagen.getAttribute("alt")}  [in template "554383#554429#729698" at line 24, column 76]
1<div class="sect-four align-items-start"> 
2    <!--div class="img"><img src="/o/imagin-dxp-theme/images/general/Hoja.png"></div--> 
3    <div class="sect__box box-one"> 
4        <#if titulo?? && titulo.getData()?has_content> 
5        <div class="sect__h2 anim" data-animation="fadeInDown"> 
6            ${titulo.getData()} 
7        </div> 
8        </#if> 
9        <#if tagImaginPlanet?? && tagImaginPlanet.getData()?has_content> 
10        <div class="hashtag sect__h2 anim" data-animation="fadeInUpSm"> 
11            ${tagImaginPlanet.getData()} 
12        </div> 
13        </#if> 
14        <div class="carrusel-one"> 
16            <#list bip.getSiblings() as bip> 
17                <#if (bip.bipImagen?? && bip.bipImagen.getData()?has_content) || (bip.bipTitulo?? && bip.bipTitulo.getData()?has_content) || (bip.bipTexto?? && bip.bipTexto.getData()?has_content)> 
18                    <div class="carrusel-one__card"> 
19                        <#assign itemId = 'tealium-id' + randomizer.nextInt() > 
21                        <a id="${itemId}" href="${bip.bipEnlace.getData()}"> 
22                            <#if bip.bipImagen?? && bip.bipImagen.getData()?has_content> 
23                            <div class="carrusel-one__img anim" data-animation="zoomIn"> 
24                                <img src="${bip.bipImagen.getData()}" alt="${bip.bipImagen.getAttribute("alt")}"> 
25                            </div> 
26                            </#if> 
27                            <#if bip.bipTitulo?? && bip.bipTitulo.getData()?has_content> 
28                            <div class="carrusel-one__title"> 
29                                ${bip.bipTitulo.getData()} 
30                            </div> 
31                            </#if> 
32                            <#if bip.bipTexto?? && bip.bipTexto.getData()?has_content> 
33                            <div class="carrusel-one__text"> 
34                                ${bip.bipTexto.getData()} 
35                            </div> 
36                            </#if> 
37                        </a> 
38                        <#if bip.bipTealium.getData()?has_content> 
39                        <script> 
40                            $("#${itemId}").on('click', function() {${bip.bipTealium.getData()}}); 
41                            $("#${itemId}").on('mousedown', function(event) { 
42                                    console.log('mousedown'); 
44                                    switch (event.which) { 
45                                        case 1: 
46                                            console.log('Left mouse button pressed'); 
47                                            break; 
48                                        case 2: 
49                                            console.log('Middle mouse button pressed'); 
50                                            break; 
52                                        case 3: 
53                                            console.log('Right mouse button pressed'); 
54                                            break; 
55                                        default: 
56                                            console.log('You have a strange mouse'); 
60                            }); 
61                        </script> 
62                        </#if> 
63                    </div> 
64                </#if>      
65            </#list> 
67        </div> 
68        <div class="arrow-container d-none d-md-block"> 
69            <ul> 
70                <li class="prev-one"></li> 
71                <li class="next-one"></li> 
72            </ul> 
73        </div> 
74    </div> 
76    <div class="sect__box box-two anim" data-animation="fadeInUpSm"> 
77        <#if tagChangers?? && tagChangers.getData()?has_content> 
78            <div class="hashtag">${tagChangers.getData()}</div> 
79        </#if> 
80        <#if subtituloTagChangers?? && subtituloTagChangers.getData()?has_content> 
81            <div class="subtitle">${subtituloTagChangers.getData()}</div> 
82        </#if> 
83        <div class="carrusel-two"> 
85            <#list bc.getSiblings() as bc> 
87                <div class="carrusel-two__card"> 
88                    <#assign itemId = 'tealium-id' + randomizer.nextInt() > 
89                    <#if (bc.bcImagen?? && bc.bcImagen.getData()?has_content) || (bc.bcTitulo?? && bc.bcTitulo.getData()?has_content) || (bc.Etiqueta?? && bc.Etiqueta.getData()?has_content)> 
90                        <a id="${itemId}" href="${bc.bcBtnEnlace.getData()!'#'}"> 
91                            <#if bc.bcImagen?? && bc.bcImagen.getData()?has_content> 
92                            <div class="carrusel-two__img"> 
93                                <img src="${bc.bcImagen.getData()}" alt="${bc.bcImagen.getAttribute("alt")}"> 
94                            </div> 
95                            </#if> 
96                            <#if bc.bcTitulo?? && bc.bcTitulo.getData()?has_content> 
97                            <div class="carrusel-two__text">${bc.bcTitulo.getData()}</div> 
98                            </#if> 
99                            <#if bc.Etiqueta.getData()?has_content> 
100                                <span class="boton btn-blanco">${bc.Etiqueta.getData()}</span> 
101                            </#if> 
102                        </a> 
103                    </#if> 
104                    <#if bc.bcBtnTealium.getData()?has_content> 
105                    <script> 
106                        $("#${itemId}").on('click', function() {${bc.bcBtnTealium.getData()}}); 
107                        $("#${itemId}").on('mousedown', function(event) { 
108                                console.log('mousedown'); 
110                                switch (event.which) { 
111                                    case 1: 
112                                        console.log('Left mouse button pressed'); 
113                                        break; 
114                                    case 2: 
115                                        console.log('Middle mouse button pressed'); 
116                                        break; 
118                                    case 3: 
119                                        console.log('Right mouse button pressed'); 
120                                        break; 
121                                    default: 
122                                        console.log('You have a strange mouse'); 
126                        }); 
127                    </script> 
128                    </#if> 
129                </div> 
131            </#list> 
133        </div> 
134        <div class="arrow-container d-none d-md-block"> 
135            <ul> 
136                <li class="prev-sec"></li> 
137                <li class="next-sec"></li> 
138            </ul> 
139        </div> 
140    </div> 
141    <#if Boton.btnTexto?? && Boton.btnTexto.getData()?has_content> 
142    <div class="btn-in-section anim d-none d-md-block" data-animation="fadeInUp"> 
143        <#assign itemId = 'tealium-id' + randomizer.nextInt() > 
144        <a id="${itemId}" href="${Boton.btnEnlace.getData()}">${Boton.btnTexto.getData()}</a> 
145        <#if Boton.btnTealium.getData()?has_content> 
146        <script> 
147            $("#${itemId}").on('click', function() {${Boton.btnTealium.getData()}}); 
148        </script> 
149        </#if> 
150    </div> 
151    </#if> 
S'ha produït un error mentre es processava la plantilla.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> bloque.bIcono.getAttribute('alt')  [in template "554383#554429#729712" at line 19, column 49]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${bloque.bIcono.getAttribute("alt")}  [in template "554383#554429#729712" at line 19, column 47]
1<div class="sect-three row align-items-start"> 
2    <div class="sect__box"> 
3        <div class="sect__h2 anim" data-animation="fadeInUpSm"> 
4            ${titulo.getData()} 
5        </div> 
6        <div> 
7        <#assign i = 0 /> 
8            <#list bloque.getSiblings() as bloque> 
9                <#if i=0 || i%2=0 > 
10                    <div class="sect-three__icon-box anim" data-animation="fadeInRight"> 
11                <#else> 
12                    <div class="sect-three__icon-box anim" data-animation="fadeInLeft"> 
13                </#if> 
14                    <#assign itemId = 'tealium-id' + randomizer.nextInt() > 
15                        <#if (bloque.bIcono?? && bloque.bIcono.getData()?has_content) || (bloque.bTitulo?? && bloque.bTitulo.getData()?has_content) || (bloque.bTexto?? && bloque.bTexto.getData()?has_content) > 
16                            <a id="${itemId}" href="${bloque.bEnlace.getData()}"> 
17                                <#if bloque.bIcono?? && bloque.bIcono.getData()?has_content> 
18                                <div class="img"> 
19                                    <img alt="${bloque.bIcono.getAttribute('alt')}" src="${bloque.bIcono.getData()}"> 
20                                </div> 
21                                </#if> 
22                                <#if (bloque.bTitulo?? && bloque.bTitulo.getData()?has_content) || (bloque.bTexto?? && bloque.bTexto.getData()?has_content) > 
23                                <div class="text"> 
24                                    <#if bloque.bTitulo?? && bloque.bTitulo.getData()?has_content> 
25                                        ${bloque.bTitulo.getData()} 
26                                    </#if> 
27                                    <#if bloque.bTexto?? && bloque.bTexto.getData()?has_content > 
28                                        <div class="body3">${bloque.bTexto.getData()}</div> 
29                                    </#if> 
30                                </div> 
31                                </#if> 
32                            </a> 
33                            <#if bloque.bTealium.getData()?has_content> 
34                            <script> 
35                                $("#${itemId}").on('click', function() {${bloque.bTealium.getData()}}); 
36                            </script> 
37                            </#if> 
38                        </#if> 
39                    </div> 
41                <#assign i = i+1 /> 
42            </#list> 
44        </div> 
45    </div> 
S'ha produït un error mentre es processava la plantilla.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> hito.hitoEmoticono.getAttribute('alt')  [in template "554383#554429#729444" at line 20, column 45]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${hito.hitoEmoticono.getAttribute("al...  [in template "554383#554429#729444" at line 20, column 43]
1<div class="sect-five"> 
2    <#if htmlTitle?? && htmlTitle.getData()?has_content> 
3    <div class="sect__box"> 
4        <div class="sect__h2 anim" data-animation="fadeInUpSm"> 
5            ${htmlTitle.getData()} 
6        </div> 
7    </div> 
8    </#if> 
9    <div class="sect__box p-0"> 
10        <div class="hitos"> 
11            <ul class="row m-0"> 
13                <#list hito.getSiblings() as hito> 
14                    <#if (hito.hitoTitle?? && hito.hitoTitle.getData()?has_content) || (hito.hitoEmoticono?? && hito.hitoEmoticono.getData()?has_content) || (hito.hitoAnyo?? && hito.hitoAnyo.getData()?has_content)> 
15                        <li> 
16                            <div class="text anim" data-animation="fadeInBottomLeft"> 
17                                ${hito.hitoTitle.getData()} 
18                            </div> 
19                            <div class="icon"> 
20                                <img alt="${hito.hitoEmoticono.getAttribute('alt')}" src="${hito.hitoEmoticono.getData()}"> 
21                            </div> 
22                            <div class="año">${hito.hitoAnyo.getData()}</div> 
23                        </li> 
24                    </#if> 
25                </#list> 
27            </ul> 
28            <div class="linea"></div> 
29            <div class="flechas"> 
30                <span class="izquierda"></span> 
31                <span class="derecha"></span> 
32            </div> 
33        </div> 
34    </div> 
S'ha produït un error mentre es processava la plantilla.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> oferta.dlImage.getAttribute('alt')  [in template "554383#554429#729448" at line 37, column 79]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${oferta.dlImage.getAttribute("alt")}  [in template "554383#554429#729448" at line 37, column 77]
1<div class="sect-seven"> 
2    <div class="sect__box w-100 p-0"> 
3        <div class="sect__h2 anim" data-animation="fadeInUp">${TituloPrincipal.getData()}</div> 
4        <div class="ofertas"> 
5            <div class="filter"> 
6                <#list Teaser.getSiblings()> 
7                <ul> 
8                    <#items as t> 
9                        <#assign itemId = 'tealium-id' + randomizer.nextInt() > 
10                        <#if t.teaserTextoEnlace?? && t.teaserTextoEnlace.getData()?has_content> 
11                        <li class="anim" data-animation="zoomIn"> 
13                            <a id="${itemId}" href="${t.teaserEnlace.getData()}" <#if t?index == 0>class="active"</#if>>${t.teaserTextoEnlace.getData()}</a> 
15                            <#if t.teaserTealium.getData()?has_content> 
16                            <script> 
17                                $("#${itemId}").on('click', function() {${t.teaserTealium.getData()}}); 
18                            </script> 
19                            </#if> 
21                        </li> 
22                        </#if> 
23                    </#items> 
24                </ul> 
25                </#list> 
26            </div> 
27            <img alt="<@liferay.language key='alt.linea.carrusel' />" src="/o/imagin-dxp-theme/images/general/linea-carrusel-desktop.svg" class="linea-carrusel-ofertas d-none d-md-block" > 
28            <#list Ofertas.getSiblings()> 
29            <ul class="carrusel-six anim" data-animation="fadeInUp"> 
30                <#items as oferta> 
31                    <#assign itemId = 'tealium-id' + randomizer.nextInt() > 
32                <#if (oferta.dlImage?? && oferta.dlImage.getData()?has_content) || (oferta.htmlTitle?? && oferta.htmlTitle.getData()?has_content) || (oferta.htmlOldPrice?? && oferta.htmlOldPrice.getData()?has_content) || (oferta.htmlOffer?? && oferta.htmlOffer.getData()?has_content)> 
33                    <li> 
34                        <a id="${itemId}" href="${oferta.txtEnlace.getData()}"> 
35                            <#if oferta.dlImage?? && oferta.dlImage.getData()?has_content> 
36                            <div class="img"> 
37                                <img src="${oferta.dlImage.getData()}" alt="${oferta.dlImage.getAttribute('alt')}"> 
38                            </div> 
39                            </#if> 
40                            <#if (oferta.htmlTitle?? && oferta.htmlTitle.getData()?has_content) || (oferta.htmlOldPrice?? && oferta.htmlOldPrice.getData()?has_content) || (oferta.htmlOffer?? && oferta.htmlOffer.getData()?has_content)> 
41                            <div class="text"> 
42                                <#if oferta.htmlTitle?? && oferta.htmlTitle.getData()?has_content> 
43                                <div class="body2">${oferta.htmlTitle.getData()!"<p>&nbsp</p>"}</div> 
44                                </#if> 
45                                <#if oferta.htmlOldPrice?? && oferta.htmlOldPrice.getData()?has_content> 
46                                <div class="body3">${oferta.htmlOldPrice.getData()!"<p>&nbsp</p>"}</div> 
47                                </#if> 
48                                <#if oferta.htmlOffer?? && oferta.htmlOffer.getData()?has_content> 
49                                <div class="body1">${oferta.htmlOffer.getData()!"<p>&nbsp</p>"}</div> 
50                                </#if> 
51                            </div> 
52                            </#if> 
53                        </a> 
54                        <#if oferta.tealium.getData()?has_content> 
55                        <script> 
56                            $("#${itemId}").on('click', function() {${oferta.tealium.getData()}}); 
57                        </script> 
58                        </#if> 
59                    </li> 
60                </#if> 
61                </#items> 
62            </ul> 
63            </#list> 
64            <div class="arrow-container d-none d-md-block"> 
65                <ul> 
66                    <li class="prev"></li> 
67                    <li class="next"></li> 
68                </ul> 
69            </div> 
70        </div> 
71    </div> 

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S'ha produït un error mentre es processava la plantilla.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> item.itemImagen.getAttribute('alt')  [in template "554383#554429#729546" at line 30, column 41]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${item.itemImagen.getAttribute("alt")}  [in template "554383#554429#729546" at line 30, column 39]
1<div class="sect-six"> 
2    <#if (txtTitle?? && txtTitle.getData()?has_content) || (txtSubtitle?? && txtSubtitle.getData()?has_content)> 
3    <div class="sect__box w-100 millones"> 
4        <#if txtTitle?? && txtTitle.getData()?has_content> 
5            <h2 class="title1">${txtTitle.getData()}</h2> 
6        </#if> 
7        <#if txtSubtitle?? && txtSubtitle.getData()?has_content> 
8            <div class="title2"> 
9                ${txtSubtitle.getData()} 
10                <!--span class="span1 anim" data-animation="animMillones1">${txtSubtitleInfDerecha.getData()}</span> 
11                <span class="span2 anim" data-animation="animMillones2">${txtSubtitleInfIzquierda.getData()}</span--> 
12                <!--div class="span1 anim" data-animation="movement">${txtSubtitleInfDerecha.getData()}</div> 
13                <div class="span2 anim" data-animation="movement">${txtSubtitleInfIzquierda.getData()}</div--> 
14            </div> 
15        </#if> 
16    </div> 
17    </#if> 
18    <div class="sect__box w-100 carousels"> 
20        <div class="carousel-wrapper"> 
21            <img alt="<@liferay.language key='alt.linea.carrusel' />" src="/o/imagin-dxp-theme/images/general/linea-carrusel-mobile.svg" class="linea-carrusel d-md-none" > 
22            <img alt="<@liferay.language key='alt.linea.carrusel' />" src="/o/imagin-dxp-theme/images/general/linea-carrusel-desktop.svg" class="linea-carrusel d-none d-md-block" > 
24            <ul class="carrusel-four"> 
26                <#list item.getSiblings() as item> 
27                    <#if item.itemImagen?? && item.itemImagen.getData()?has_content> 
28                    <li> 
29                        <div class="img"> 
30                            <img alt="${item.itemImagen.getAttribute('alt')}" src="${item.itemImagen.getData()}"> 
31                        </div> 
32                    </li> 
33                    </#if> 
34                </#list> 
36            </ul> 
37        </div> 
39        <ul class="carrusel-five"> 
41            <#list item.getSiblings() as item> 
42                <#if (item.itemTitle?? && item.itemTitle.getData()?has_content) || (item.itemSubtitle?? && item.itemSubtitle.getData()?has_content) || (item.CTA.ctaTexto?? && item.CTA.ctaTexto.getData()?has_content)> 
43                <li> 
44                    <div class="texto"> 
45                        <#if item.itemTitle?? && item.itemTitle.getData()?has_content> 
46                            <h3>${item.itemTitle.getData()}</h3> 
47                        </#if> 
48                        <#if item.itemSubtitle?? && item.itemSubtitle.getData()?has_content> 
49                            <p>${item.itemSubtitle.getData()}</p> 
50                        </#if> 
51                        <#if item.CTA?? && item.CTA.ctaEnlace?? && item.CTA.ctaEnlace.getData()?has_content> 
52                            <div class="d-flex boton btn-${item.CTA.ctaTipoBoton.getData()}"> 
53                                <#assign itemId = 'tealium-id' + randomizer.nextInt() > 
54                                <a id="${itemId}" href="${item.CTA.ctaEnlace.getData()}"><span>${item.CTA.ctaTexto.getData()}</span></a> 
55                                <#if item.CTA.ctaTealium.getData()?has_content> 
56                                    <script>$("#${itemId}").on('click', function() {${item.CTA.ctaTealium.getData()}});</script> 
57                                </#if> 
58                            </div> 
59                        </#if> 
60                    </div> 
61                </li> 
62                </#if> 
63            </#list> 
65        </ul> 
66        <div class="arrow-container d-none d-md-block"> 
67            <ul> 
68                <li class="prev-mill"></li> 
69                <li class="next-mill"></li> 
70            </ul> 
71        </div> 
72        <#if Boton.btnTexto?? && Boton.btnTexto.getData()?has_content> 
73        <div class="btn-unete sect__box w-100 d-none d-md-flex"> 
74            <#assign itemId = 'tealium-id' + randomizer.nextInt() > 
75            <a id="${itemId}" href="${Boton.btnEnlace.getData()}" class="boton btn-${Boton.btnSelect.getData()}"><span>${Boton.btnTexto.getData()}</span></a> 
76            <#if Boton.txtTealium.getData()?has_content> 
77                <script>$("#${itemId}").on('click', function() {${Boton.txtTealium.getData()}});</script> 
78            </#if> 
79        </div> 
80        </#if> 
81    </div> 

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